Wound Care

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Our team of wound care specialists are ready and waiting to provide the specialized medical attention you need. Specifically trained in the care of non-healing wounds, our staff works to achieve improved healing rates and fewer amputations in chronic wound cases. We do this by assessing, treating, and creating plans for continued care.


Wound Care Management

While many common wounds like a scraped knee or a paper cut are mended after a thorough cleaning and coverage from a bandage, there are others that might not heal as quickly or as well. These are known as non-healing wounds – wounds that show no signs of improvement or fail to heal after a period of several weeks. What is more, is that non-healing wounds require special medical attention so that infection or even loss of limb can be prevented. Hunt Regional’s Wound Care Center is dedicated to providing this type of treatment.

Our Wound Care Center is located on the 2nd floor of Hunt Regional Medical Center at Greenville. Here, we provide primary treatment for hard-to-heal wounds resulting from diabetes, venous stasis disease, and pressure ulcers from lack of patient mobility.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

HBOT for Wound Care Patients
Popularly known as the treatment for scuba divers suffering from decompression sickness, or for arterial gas embolism, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has gained wide acceptance in clinical, non-diving medicine over the last few decades.
HBOT is an important tool in the treatment of non-healing wounds. It is helpful in treating:

  • Problem wounds
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Crush injuries
  • Acute traumatic ischemia
  • Necrotizing soft tissue infections
  • Refractory osteomyelitis
  • Radiation tissue damage
  • Compromised skin grafts, flaps and replants

How is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Administered?
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves the systemic delivery of oxygen to patients placed in a chamber at two to three times atmospheric pressure, while breathing 100 percent oxygen for periods of 90 to 120 minutes. At Hunt Regional’s Wound Care Center, treatments are given daily, Monday through Friday.

Hyperbaric oxygen must be administered carefully to avoid toxic side effects. The patient's clinical response dictates the number of treatments needed. Non-healing wounds may require as many as 20-40 treatments. The level of tissue damage before treatment and the presence of associated systemic disorders affect the success rate of HBOT.

Our Wound Care Center uses two state-of-the-art hyperbaric chambers. A highly trained hyperbaric technician monitors the patient constantly during treatment, under the supervision of a wound center physician. During treatment, the patient can watch TV, listen to the radio or talk with the staff. Relaxation techniques help reduce anxiety and claustrophobic response.

HBOT is reimbursable by Medicare and most other third parties for certain clinical applications. Requirements vary; some health care plans require preauthorization for coverage of treatments.
Do you have questions about hyperbaric oxygen therapy and how it could help you? Call our Wound Care Center at 903-408-5150.

New Patient Information

Remember, the sooner you get a non-healing wound attended to by a medical professional, the better. If you or a loved one is experiencing a persistent wound, speak with your doctor right away or call our Wound Care Center at 903-408-5150.


  • Hunt Regional Center Greenville
    Hunt Regional Medical Center Greenville
    • 4215 Joe Ramsey Blvd E, Greenville, TX 75401
    • 903.408.5000