Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit


At Hunt Regional Healthcare, we offer a comprehensive range of outpatient behavioral health services to help seniors address mental health concerns and achieve optimal wellness. Our team is committed to providing compassionate, confidential, and effective care to help our patients and their families achieve the best possible outcomes.

Inpatient (or acute) rehabilitation provides opportunities for recovery like no other outpatient or skilled nursing facility can offer. This type of intensive therapy helps patients regain strength, improve mobility, perform activities of daily living independently, and return home if possible.

Admission to our inpatient program offers numerous benefits to patients, such as:

  • Reduced hospitalization duration
  • Markedly improved and sustained results
  • Opportunities for returning home sooner
  • Cost-effectiveness

Referrals can be initiated by physicians, patients and their families; discharge planners; and allied health professionals.

We invite you to contact the program director at the Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit to discuss our services, code of ethics, mission, and philosophy as well as to arrange a tour of the unit.

Our program director or case coordinator will contact you immediately about the viability of admission for your referral. They can tell you if your patient has the potential for admission based on their diagnosis and functional need. Together, we can help your patient recover and achieve as much independence as possible.

If you believe a patient may benefit from our rehabilitation services, please phone us. A member of our staff will perform a screening at no charge. If it is determined that the patient is not a candidate for inpatient rehabilitation, alternate resources will be discussed.
Call today at 903-408-1737 or 903-408-1740.


Hunt Regional Medical Center's Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit offers comfortable, private rooms to maximize each patient’s rehab potential. Our program includes:

  • An interdisciplinary team of professionals
  • A team approach to maximize the individual's recovery and functional status
  • Physical, occupational, and speech therapy six days a week
  • Licensed physical, occupational, and speech therapists
  • A minimum of 3 hours of therapy a day
  • 24-hour nursing care
  • Returning home as the desired goal
  • Activities of daily living to help prepare for return home
  • A home evaluation for safety and physical challenges
  • Weekly team conferences
  • Patient and family training
  • On-site pre-admission screening
  • Admission that can stem from the hospital, home, or another facility
  • Individualized Treatment Plans


  • Ransom Therapy Services Center
    • 4215 Joe Ramsey Blvd, Greenville, TX 75401
    • 903.408.1886

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